Diablo 3 cow level ps4
Diablo 3 cow level ps4

diablo 3 cow level ps4 diablo 3 cow level ps4

When we laid out the history of the cow level for him, he only shrugged and said that he doesn’t understand the reference. Sure enough, Diablo IV’s cow level has remained well hidden – assuming it exists at all – and Piepiora refuses to provide any hints one way or another. But that doesn't mean there won't be in the future," Fergusson said. And because of that, there's no secret level in Diablo 4 that people might be looking for as per previous games. We've been really focused on trying to keep it as grounded as possible. “We wanted to make sure it felt authentic to the kind of gothic, dark themes we have. I don't know what a cow level is, so I don't really understand the interest in it Its sequel, Diablo III, an area called "Not the Cow Level" was implemented with infernal bovines.ĭirector Rod Fergusson has claimed that Diablo IV doesn’t have a cow level because it’s at odds with the “grounded” feel of the game.

diablo 3 cow level ps4

Aside from being amusing, it was actually quite useful as the cows provided a healthy amount of experience points while putting up little resistance (eventually the XP gains were nerfed). The reference that Piepiora claims to be confused about dates back to Diablo II, which included a special level featuring loads and loads of cows.

Diablo 3 cow level ps4